Everyday Saint / Maisha ya Watakatifu



Daily Spiritual Reflections

12th December 2021



Zep 3: 14-18; Is 12: 2-6; Phil 4: 4-7; Lk 3: 10-18



The third Sunday of Advent is called Gaudete Sunday. The word “gaudete” is derived from the Latin “gaudium” which means to rejoice or be glad. This Sunday invites us to Rejoice even amid our Advent season of penance and fasting. 

Prophet Zephaniah in the first reading gives us words of encouragement and assurance from God, while we are preparing our hearts for the birth of the One who is our lasting peace, joy and happiness. At times we seem to be so far away from God and we tend to forget that God gave us the gifts of joy and happiness despite our sins and shortcomings. It is easy to feel that God has abandoned us since we are at fault for turning away from Him. Yet during our exile, discouragement and pain, God lifts us up saying: “Fear not, O Zion, be not discouraged. The LORD your God is with you" (v. 17). 

Our God is not a God of vengeance but a God of Love. God wants us to come back to Him. For only in Him, can we experience comfort and peace assured that we have no reason to fear. Our God is like a shepherd tending His flock and caring for those most in need with tenderness beyond human comprehension. God desires to heal and make whole all the brokenness of sin. St Paul in his letter to the Christians at Philippi, encourages them with the words: “Dismiss all anxiety from your minds. God’s own peace, which is beyond all understanding, will stand guard over your hearts and minds, in Christ Jesus.” 

In the gospel today, we find the crowd reacting to the preaching and baptism of John. They were asking John one of the primary questions of the committed life. What are we to do? They seek guidance concerning living life awaiting the coming of the Messiah. Waiting is more than a passive stance in which God does everything. We wait in such a way that we work as if everything depends on us, while having the wisdom to know that all depends on God’s grace. “What are we to do?” is an urgent question especially during the season of Advent. 

John begins his ministry in the wilderness, travelling across the region around the Jordan River. He offers baptism for the forgiveness of sins, and his message prepares the people for the coming of salvation, calling them to repentance. This repentance is a reorientation of one’s perspectives from sin to the sovereignty of God. It is an internal attitude that produces external actions that manifest a sense of responsibility before God. John called people to produce deeds appropriate to their repentance; for words without concrete action mean nothing. 

Jesus acknowledged John the Baptist’s mission. His baptism was from God (Mk 11; 30). He was more than a prophet (Mt 11:11, Lk 7:28). Jesus followed the Baptist in many ways, taking over John’s first disciples, preaching outdoors, called people to repentance (Mt 3:8, Lk 13:1-9). However, Jesus also was distinguished from John. While John proclaimed: “Judgment is at hand, repent!”, Jesus proclaimed, “the kingly reign of God is dawning; come, you who are troubled and overburdened”. While John remained within the framework of expectation; Jesus claimed to bring fulfilment. In contrast to John’s baptism with water, Jesus baptised with the Holy Spirit and fire (v. 16). 

We also could ask today: “What then should we do?” We can prepare well for Christmas by being generous, sharing what we have with the needy. This quality of our heart and character must pervade our life. Secondly, by conducting ourselves with honour, giving up gouging and extortion; imitating the life of Jesus we must learn how authority is to be exercised, in a spirit of loving service. And thirdly, by service, not leaving others destitute for your own gains; but like a soldier or civil servant serve others as a person entrusted with the responsibility of the country, community, and society. By doing this, we are part of the community not just for own private interest. 

John’s call to repentance invites everyone to consider how they are called to repent and prepare for the coming of the Lord. Let us live our lives thus in generosity, honour and service and prepare ourselves well for the birth of Jesus

Response: Shout, and sing for joy, for great in your midst is the Holy One of Israel.

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