Everyday Saint / Maisha ya Watakatifu



Daily Spiritual Reflections

13th December 2021



Memorial of St Lucy, Virgin and Martyr

Nm 24: 2-7. 15-17; Ps 25: 4-9; Mt 21: 23-27 



At some point in our lives, in one way or another, we all experience the yoke of authority. We have been under authority and have also exercised authority; hence we are familiar with the temptation to use one’s authority to one’s own advantage. While some of us have authority by virtue of our position, others have a natural authority because of who they are and how they conduct themselves, by the authenticity and clarity of their speech. Jesus had authority in all these ways. He was the Incarnate Word sent by the Father, and everyone was amazed by the way he spoke (cf. Lk 4:32). His words had authority because they were the truth; that is what he came to do – “to bear witness to the truth” (Jn 18:37). 

Today, it is a great challenge to be truthful in a world that continually uses its authority to suppress truth with falsity in every possible way. When the Church speaks the truth, the world calls it ‘hate speech’. However, as members of the mystical body of Christ, we share in this teaching authority of Jesus and have the obligation to obey and witness to the truth as he did. In every aspect, our lives must manifest our authority to do good. Having said this, we must carefully remember that the authority we share in the body of Christ is not an authority of suppression, judgement or condemnation. While always, without exception standing firmly on the side of truth, we must remember that our authority is an authority of love, an authority of charity. 

Today, as we celebrate the memorial the martyr Saint Lucy, the Church reminds us that Christian authority does not give us the right to destroy or kill; rather, we are called to lay down our lives with Jesus for the love of God and neighbour. It is by our love that we proclaim Christ to the world; ‘it is by our love that everyone will come know that we are his disciples’ (Jn 13:35).

Response: Teach me your paths, O Lord.

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