Everyday Saint / Maisha ya Watakatifu



Daily Spiritual Reflections

6th December 2021



Is 35: 1-10; Ps 85: 9-14; Lk 5: 17-26



All the readings today remind us of our Lord’s power to heal us physically and spiritually. The Gospel tells us about the paralytic who was brought to Jesus by his friends. They “lay him before him” and he (Jesus) “saw their faith”. It is that time of year when we all need to lay ourselves before the Lord for him to see our faith. Jesus could perceive the thoughts of the Pharisees and scribes; allow him to perceive the true feelings of our heart – a heart that glorifies him and believes in his healing power. Let Jesus heal our souls and cure our spiritual diseases. Advent is the right time to start a new life and be new creatures. This beautiful season reminds us that Jesus was born to heal the broken-hearted. He came among us to teach and preach, forgive sins and liberate sinners. 

The first reading speaks about the days when the wilderness will blossom and be beautiful, and the Israelites will find life and prosperity again. In the gospel, Jesus has already begun his saving work. But because of their spiritual blindness, the scribes and Pharisees could not see his saving power and doubted his work. This Advent, let Jesus be amidst us to save us from prideful doubt. Let us be saved by Jesus and not miss out on the promises made by the prophets of old. As spoken by Isaiah the glory of the Lord was shining forth – God was manifesting himself more than ever by healing the paralytic and forgiving him his sins. By healing the feeble-hearted paralytic Jesus was fulfilling what was prophesied in the first reading; God had returned to the Israelites to show mercy. 

Today let us ‘arise and walk’, rejoicing, just like the paralytic; let us sing praises and celebrate in Christ! The Responsorial psalm too speaks of eternal life, God’s mercy and grace. God speaks peace to his people and talks about salvation being near – nearer than we think! God’s people will be healed by him and hear joy and gladness. 

Response: Our God will come and save us!

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