Daily Spiritual Reflections
26th November 2021
Dn 7: 2-14; Dn 3: 75-81; Lk 21: 29-33
We have apocalyptic readings in the last two weeks of the Liturgical Year and also in the first two weeks in the upcoming Advent season. The symbols and expressions may seem difficult to grasp. But the term “apocalypse” and “apocalyptic” are derived from the Greek verb apokaluptō which means: to unveil. God is uncovering what can’t be known solely through human intelligence; but in order to understand what he reveals, we need prayer and discernment. Daniel kept his habit of praying three times a day, even if it meant risking his life to do so. That is why he could interpret dreams and visions rightly.
Last Tuesday, we heard about Nebuchadnezzar’s dream of a statue. Today Daniel himself has a vision with a similar message. The four beasts portray the succession of four empires, who would rule over Israel. Scholars identify them as the Babylonians, Persians (Medes), Greeks and Romans. The vision Daniel saw was quite terrifying and violent. However, what is important comes later. All the beasts get killed and towards the end of the vision, Daniel sees a hopeful sign – one like a son of man, whose kingdom shall not be destroyed. In the New Testament, the expression “Son of Man” is applied to Jesus over 80 times.
Thus, the book of Daniel helps us have a prophetic vision of the future and also instils hope. Despite the turmoil and havoc around us due to the greed for power of a few, God’s presence is constant. In the gospel, Jesus invites us to read the signs of the times. In winter the trees become bare after shedding their leaves and appear to be dead, but with the onset of summer, new shoots are springing forth. So also in our lives, God can cause new life to sprout through the chaos and even destruction. Nature and the world around us are everchanging, but God is everlasting and ever-new.
Response: Sing praise to him and highly exalt him forever.
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