Everyday Saint / Maisha ya Watakatifu



Daily Spiritual Reflections

16th November 2021



2 Mac 6: 18-31; Ps 3: 2-7; Lk 19: 1-10



There is considerable contrast between the two men who are the heroes of the readings of today. Eleazar was a scribe who comes off as one of the noblest and most honest of all biblical characters. He could have escaped death; he was even offered a way to do so without, in actuality, breaking any of the laws, but he could not have lived with himself if he had. Besides, there was the love for God and God’s law that ruled his life. So he went to his death, upheld and sustained by the God he had loved so fearlessly. 

Zacchaeus, on the other hand, was a tax collector and therefore, in the eyes of the Jews a crook and a sinner. He did not have a character like that of Eleazar, that kind of courage and uprightness. However, he did what he could to make his sincere intentions to reconcile with God known. He gave half of his belongings to the poor and repaid all whom he defrauded fourfold. But the greatest of all was his desire to see Jesus and act upon it. That kind of desire and action brought Jesus to his house. After his encounter with Jesus, he developed spiritual strength to change what was wrong in his life. 

Can anyone admire us for our strong Christian convictions? We may come across people who pour cold water on our religious enthusiasm, laugh at our spiritual goals, ridicule our Christian hopes and negate the very reality of the eternal destiny we aspire after. One of the highest human responsibilities is also the easiest; it is that of encouraging others. Sadly though, the world is full of discouragers. 

What kind of example do we give to people around us? Do we give a good example to the young and to others by our own devotion and commitment to Jesus? Saints are persons who make it easier for others to believe in God. Let us try to be spiritually strong. Then, we too will have on others, the influence of the saints. 

Response: The Lord upholds me.

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