Everyday Saint / Maisha ya Watakatifu



Daily Spiritual Reflections

9th February 2021



Gen 1:20--2:4

Ps 8:4-9

Mk 7: 1-13



One thing that all of us do early in the morning is to see ourselves in the mirror. Most of us feel proud of our looks, and it is undeniable that we spend much energy and money to present ourselves to others. Sometimes I ask people what do you like the most in your body. I get different answers and all of them, I am certain, are right. Some like their eyes, some others lips, some forehead, some their figures etc. One day I was shocked to hear a little girl tell me, the most wonderful thing that I like in myself is that I look like God. Is it not delightful to realize in our lives that all of us resemble God? What can be more beautiful and pleasing than God himself? 

We hear in the first reading today that we are all created in the likeness of God. The consciousness of God’s image in us prompts us to love God, ourselves and neighbors. We must know that both our asceticism and mysticism depend on the awareness of the fact that we are created in the image and likeness of God. All our external practices mean nothing if we have not realized this fact. This realization facilitates both the active and passive purification in us, so that we are united with the creator whose likeness we share. 

We all know that due to our sinfulness, we fail to understand this beauty of God in us and move away from God, nature and the other. We should be convinced that no one can take this image and likeness God from us. Like the prodigal son we need to realize our misery and decide to get up and get back to the father. Once the prodigal son came back home, the father restored to him the dignity of the son. So is the case with us when we come back to God, our father accepting our sinful misery, he fills us with the same greatness he bestowed on us in the beginning. He restores us our dignity, as his children, and we regain our likeness to Him, and when we look at the mirror, we see ourselves as the images of God.

Res. Psalm: O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name through all the earth!

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