Everyday Saint / Maisha ya Watakatifu



Daily Spiritual Reflections

Friday, 11th December 2020. 

Second Week of Advent

Is 48:17-19; 

Ps 1:1-4,6; 

Mt 11:16-19


A pastor spoke about his delight each time his two-year-old child painted him a card that said she loved her dad. He described it as a cacophony of scribbles with crayon and chalk. Yet, it always brought a smile to his face. He said that the Lord too looks at our intention – our heart. Every intention to love him, is endeared. However, when the child grows up and is an adult, would the father still expect to see the same scribbled ensemble of affection? Or, would he expect to have established a more mature relationship with his child, where love is interpreted in a wiser, action-oriented and faith-dependent way? 

The level at which we receive God’s word depends on our level of spiritual maturity. The crowds that Jesus spoke to in today’s Gospel are compared to children playing in the marketplace, symbolic of a state of mind with no real vision or ambition – quick to judge, criticize and pass time by means of hollow actions. The Lord is inviting us to a deep relationship with him. In Luke 5:4, Jesus tells Simon to put out his net into the deep water. It was there that he found a huge catch of fish. It is not possible to experience a fulfilling relationship with God our Father, when we cling to the shore or stick to our childish ways. We must take steps, however small, to make a change. There we will find our catch, our treasure with Jesus. 

As we prepare for the birth of our Lord, are we willing to give up our childish ways and welcome him with maturity? Are we willing to open our eyes to the vision that Christ has for our lives? Will we say ‘no’ to the motives of the flesh and `yes’ to the works of the Spirit even if it means being thrust out of our comfort zones?

Response: He who follows you, Lord, will have the light of life.

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