Everyday Saint / Maisha ya Watakatifu



Daily Spiritual Reflections 

Thursday, 19th November 2020. 

Thirty Third Week in Ordinary Time

Rev 5:1-10; 

Ps 149:1-6,9

Lk 19:41-44


Why did Jesus weep over Jerusalem? 

Because of his desire for its peace: Jesus was expressing his sorrow for Jerusalem because it had rejected him and therefore missed its opportunity for peace. The words used here are ‘thy peace,’ as if peace rightfully belonged to Jerusalem. Historically, it was the case, for Jerusalem was meant to be a city of peace. When King David made this city the capital of Israel, he chose it because it was located right on the border between the tribal territories of Benjamin and Judah. But history has shown that Jerusalem has not been a city of peace even upto recent times. In its turbulent history spanning 3,500 years, Jerusalem has therefore become a city of weeping. As the Prince of peace, he desired peace for Jerusalem. 

Because of his knowledge of its impending punishment: Jesus could see not only its present state but also its destruction 40 years later. In the year AD 70, a Jewish rebellion, Titus, the Roman General and son of Vespasian the Emperor, captured the city of Jerusalem and razed it to the ground. The destruction by the Roman armies was so complete that all that remained of the glorious Temple was just a wall. 

Because of his unbounded love for its people: Jesus longed to gather Jerusalem like a mother hen under its wings, so that they would find rest (cf. Mt 11:28) and life in him (cf. Jn 10:10). The tears that Jesus shed for Jerusalem truly reveal his great unbounded love for his own, a love that never ceases to seek earnestly after their welfare and salvation. 

Jesus longs and weeps for our salvation. He knows our heart and knows what our end will be like, if we do not repent. He is much grieved at our continued rejection of him, and our indifference toward him. The love that Christ has for us is just like the love that he had for the people of Jerusalem. 

Response: You have made us a kingdom and priests to our God.

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