Everyday Saint / Maisha ya Watakatifu



Daily Spiritual Reflections

Wednesday, 18th November 2020. 

Thirty Third Week in Ordinary Time

Rev 4:1-11; 

Ps 150:1-6;

Lk 19:11-28


“I believe in life everlasting” is one of the faith articles that we profess in the Creed. The Coronavirus pandemic however, has brought us face to face with the reality of death and the afterlife, and thus instilled in many of us a sense of fear. This is because our earthly life has provided us an illusion of permanency, with the promises of science and medicine –of long life, wealth, pleasure and success– feeding our pride and resulting in endless craving. We forget that we are made for God, and will eventually return to him and give an account of our life as the Gospel teaches us. 

The pursuit of the kingdom brings with it lasting peace and joy, a healthy relationship with God and neighbour and an improvement in the quality of life. Death is seen as the doorway to the kingdom of God, and is not feared, but embraced. How can we live with this heavenly perspective? 

Become aware of the passing nature of the world: Have you pondered on the passing nature of wealth, success and beauty? Have you realized the higher destiny of your soul? Through prayer and an examination of conscience, you can get in touch with the inner longing for lasting love and fulfillment that only God can provide. 

Become aware of God’s presence daily: The Gospel exhorts us to seek first the kingdom of God. For this, a God-experience is a must. Take time to meditate on God’s presence in your daily life. 

Become aware of the heavenly realities: ‘We are in the world, but not of the world.’ Faith and hope open our lives to the invisible realities of heaven. Just because we cannot perceive them with our senses, it does not mean they do not exist. Therefore, making constant acts of faith and hope will make us more aware of the eternal heavenly realities that God has prepared for us, which will eventually become the guiding light of our earthly journey. 

Response: Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty

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