Everyday Saint / Maisha ya Watakatifu



Daily Reflections

Thursday, 29th October 2020. 

Thirtieth Week in Ordinary Time

Eph 6:10-20; 

Ps 143:1-2, 9-10; 

Lk 13:31-35


Though our culture teaches us that our common purpose is to be happy, to satisfy our wants and needs, yet each one of us has a particular purpose in our life: the purpose of a farmer is to work in the fields and reap a good harvest; the purpose of a teacher is to teach well and increase the knowledge of the students; the purpose of a driver is to drive safely and reach the passengers to their destination. The Bible tells that the purpose of every Christian is to work for the glory of God When we understand our life’s purpose and live up to it, we can be successful persons.

In today’s Gospel Luke narrates how Jesus lived up to his purpose. Jesus was in Galilee which was under the rule of King Herod. This is the king who had beheaded John the Baptist. Some Pharisees come to Jesus and tell that he better leaves the place otherwise Herod could put him to death too! But Jesus does not waver. He thought that it is a distraction to forget the focus and purpose of His mission. So he told them: “Go tell that fox that I will continue my mission”.

Our Lord was clear in his purpose and nothing could stop him from going ahead. He came to live, die and rise from the dead for each one of us. He came to proclaim the good news, heal the sick, drive out the demons and finally die in Jerusalem, thus releasing us from sin and guilt and making it possible for us to live forever with him and the Father in his heavenly kingdom. 

The Letter to the Ephesians has an aim of building up the Christian community through love and unity. Today we had the final instruction: “Pray at all times in the Spirit”. Often our prayers end up in reciting certain formulas or reflecting upon some passage of the scriptures or asking for our needs from God and saints. 

Prayer is a constant loving attention to God or “our gaze is more than ever firmly set on the face of the Lord” (John Paul II). Praying is being in personal loving intimacy with God, sharing in the unconditional and gratuitous love of God. It is the joining of man or woman with God in intimate communion. This is possible in the silence of the heart. This relationship can be built only through a life of virtues. Our virtuous life will be a life always praying in the Spirit. 

What about me? Do I ever meditate on the purpose of my life? Am I ready to accomplish my purpose in spite of all my struggles and distractions? The call to prayer is our purpose and encounter with God. As prayer and virtues become part of our life, God becomes present in our life. This is what Paul said when he meant Pray at all times. Let us God’s grace that we might be unshaken by trials and distractions in the practice of prayer.

Prayer: O Lord, bring forth in me all the virtues proper to my state of life so that I may grow in my life of prayer. Amen.

Copyright ©2013-2020 ©JoyCat, Joy of the Catholic Life: see www.joy-cat.blogspot.com.

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