Everyday Saint / Maisha ya Watakatifu



Daily Spiritual Reflections

20th December 2021


MONDAY, FOURTH WEEK OF ADVENT – O Key of David (O Clavis David)

Is 7: 10-14; Ps 24: 1-6; Lk 1: 26-38



Humility opens the door to shock and wonder. Shock and wonder open the door to trust and obedience. Trust and obedience open the door to love. Love opens the door that brings us into Christ's presence. The birth of God’s son required a miracle. 

He could not be born through the natural process as other men are. Very simply, any person who enters the world through a man and a woman is a mere human. He or she can be nothing more. But this could not be so with Christ who already existed. Hence, if God willed to send his son into the world, he would have to choose another way. His birth had to be different. He had to enter the world in such a way that would proclaim his divine nature yet would allow him to partake of human nature. His birth had to involve both a human act and a divine one. Why? Because he was to be proclaimed the Son of God to the world. Thus, he was born of a virgin. 

Secondly, the birth of God’s son required a combined act on God’s part and on that of the woman. If God’s son was to become a man and identify himself with men, if he was to be proclaimed the Son of man to the world, he had to come through the process of conception. Therefore, if God willed to send his son into the world as a man, he would have to perform a miracle, causing Mary to conceive by an act of his divine power. 

Jesus was born to be what Adam failed to be, the one in whom all men could find their representative and their ideal. He was born to pass on what the first Adam failed to pass on– the way to God, the truth of God, and the life of God which all men can trust and follow (cf. Jn 14:6). He was born to offer what the first Adam failed to offer – life in the friendship of God. May the righteousness and holiness of Jesus inspire us to walk in the way of his humanity that we may share in his divinity. 

Response: Let the Lord enter; he is the king of glory.

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