Daily Spiritual Reflections
14th December 2021
Memorial of St John of the Cross, Priest & Doctor
Zep 3:1-2,9-13; Ps 34:2-3,6-7,17-19,23; Mt 21:28-32
Yes and No, are two small words, yet mean a lot in the reality of life. When one says yes, there follows a great responsibility, whereas when one says no, it could mean running away or escaping from responsibility. Therefore, after saying yes, if one fails to fulfill the responsibility, that person loses the trust of the other person. However, one who said no, but later realizes the mistake has the opportunity to win over the other person.
Jesus' example in the Gospel today highlights this aspect. No doubt we are always tempted to say no but God gives us the opportunity to realize and to repent like Mary Magdalene or like Zachaeus a tax collector. Whatever might have been the past, whatever may be the quality or severity of the wrong or the past, if one is able to change his / her life, that person will be able to enter the Kingdom of God.
Today we commemorate the doctor of the church Saint John of the Cross, a Carmelite saint, mystic and poet. As a Carmelite he lived his sublime vocation i.e. union with God through love. He lived the gospel call radically. Be perfect as your heavenly father is perfect (Mt 5: 48). He always walked in the way of perfection, taking the narrow way of self denial and mortification. He could discern the divine will and live accordingly. Like St John of the Cross, we are invited to say yes to the fount of life calling us. We just need to dispose ourselves to allow God to work in us, to take root in us and bear fruits for the Kingdom.
As we are in the season of advent, in preparation for the celebration of the birthday of Jesus. We see how Mary and Joseph go house to house to ask for shelter so that Jesus may be born in a dignified place but everyone but the shepherds turned them away. Are we ready to welcome Jesus? Are we in the frontline to use the opportunity to be transformed or to repent which will allow us to enter into the Kingdom of God which is our real home?.
Response: The lowly one called, and the Lord heard him.
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