Everyday Saint / Maisha ya Watakatifu



Daily Spiritual Reflections

29th November 2021



Is 2: 1-5; Ps 122: 1-9; Mt 8: 5-11 



In today’s Gospel we hear about the healing of the paralyzed servant of a Centurion. A centurion was an official in the Roman armed forces, and led a century of 100 men. The Jews hated centurions, for he was firstly, a non-Jew; he belonged to the nation that conquered Palestine; and finally, because he was of the armed and occupying force. The centurion put all this aside, and came to Christ with faith and humility. Instead of sending one of his assistants to Jesus, and demanding for what he wanted, he chose to ask Jesus personally with humility, and believed that his word was capable of bringing healing. Aside from centurion’s deep faith in God, we can’t help but notice his deep care and concern for his servant. And he humbled himself before an ordinary Jewish man, not for any benefit to himself but the sake of his servant.

Christ’s word alone heals the man. Christ, who is our maker and redeemer, desires to save us, but we must come to him in humility. It may not always be in the way we want, but he gives us what we need for our salvation. Just as a parent doesn’t always give the child what it wants but what it needs, so also does Christ. We are God’s children, and yet the fact is that we often do not know what we need. God knows what we need and he gives it to us when we call upon him. Do we receive whatever he gives us with gratitude and joy?

Christ granted the grace of healing that the centurion pleaded for, because it was what was needed for his salvation at that time. We may not always get a physical healing; even the great apostle Paul dealt with physical torments and pains, but as he himself proclaimed, they were for his salvation and so he would boast in these his weaknesses, so that God’s strength would be made known through them. Just as the centurion came to Christ in humility, we must come to Christ with humility and an open heart ready to receive the salvation he grants us. 

Response: Let us go rejoicing to the house of the Lord.

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