Everyday Saint / Maisha ya Watakatifu



Daily Spiritual Reflections

1st December 2021



Is 25: 6-10; Ps 23: 1-6; Mt 15: 29-37



Compassion is a sympathetic act of deeply feeling the suffering, pain and need of others. Both the readings of today speak of the compassion of the Lord, who comes to heal and to make the lives of his people whole. God chose to become a man because of his love and compassion for us. The crowds were drawn to Jesus in search of relief from misery and fulfilment of needs, especially their temporal ones. They saw in Jesus the promised Emmanuel, in the healing of the crippled, the blind and the dumb, and they glorified the God of Israel. In those days the poor, the sick and women were considered unimportant by society, segregated from society, and were not allowed to involve in community activities. But Jesus moved among them freely and preached the kingdom of God to them. And they received his goodness with great joy.

When we are filled with the Spirit of Christ, our first and chief concern will be to preach the gospel to the poor and the lowly. When not by words, we can preach by being living witnesses of the Gospel. In our prayers, in our work and our dealings with others, we can have that attitude of Christ, to go to the help of those in most need and to offer ourselves to God for the spread of the Gospel. 

After three days Jesus did not want to send the people back to their homes hungry. So, he asks the disciples in what way they could contribute. The compassionate Lord wants to feed a hungry world; and in doing so, he accepts our contribution. What can we contribute? Our time, our talents, small sacrifices, a smile, or a kind word spoken to someone who has hurt us, and our efforts to control unruly passions. We can offer these little things into the mighty hands of God and he will use them to perform marvelous things. The multiplication of the loaves is also a symbol of the Lord’s desire to always be with us through the gift of the Eucharist. 

Response: In the Lord’s own house shall I dwell for length of days unending 

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