Daily Spiritual Reflections
27th November 2021
Dan 7: 15-27; Dan 3: 82-87; Lk 21: 34-36
Today is the last day of the Church’s liturgical year. Tomorrow with the ushering in of the season of Advent, we enter into a new liturgical year. The Gospel passage today, taken from the eschatological discourse of Luke, is a call for prayer and vigilance. As Christ’s disciples, we can prepare ourselves for the second coming of the Lord by leading a disciplined life. How we choose to live now, will determine how we will stand before the Son of Man on judgement day.
In the second letter to the Corinthians, St Paul reminds us, “For all of us must appear before the judgement seat of Christ, so that each may receive recompense for what has been done in the body, whether good or evil” (2 Cor 5:10). We will have to give an account of how faithful we have been to the mission entrusted to us.
If we have only been interested in enjoying this earthly life and preoccupied with the attractions of this world, then we need to be on our guard. We should make sure that we are not weighed down by drunkenness, dissipation, etc. as these can become snares to entrap us. The final day will come unexpectedly. Let us pray that we may be ready and may have the grace and strength to stand before the Son of Man without fear.
The Church invites us today to pray individually and as a community. Let us pray for strength to survive this world of strife and stay safe in the abiding presence and security that Christ offers us. In prayer, we are also able to reach out to God and discern his will for our lives. Our life must rise up to God as a pleasing prayer. As disciples, we need to be in constant wakefulness (cf. Eph 6:18). Also, The first reading from the book of Daniel tells us about the triumph of the holy people of God in their fight against the evil powers. Let us draw courage and strength from their courage whenever we encounter strife in the world.
Response: Sing praise to him and highly exalt him forever
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