Everyday Saint / Maisha ya Watakatifu



Daily Spiritual Reflections

8th February 2021



Gen 1:1-19

Ps 104:1-2,5-6,10,12,24,35

Mk 6:53-56



The Gospel passage of today emphasizes on the theme of Jesus, the healer. There are three verses that stand out in presenting this theme. 

• People recognised him, and started hurrying… to wherever they heard he was. People are hurrying to meet Jesus. Why? In order to seek his blessings and be healed of all their ailments. We come to understand the great desire of the people to see Jesus, to look for him, and to leave the comfort of their homes in this search. The journey of healing begins with the desire to seek the Lord. And this search requires us to leave behind the things that make our life comfortable, the things of this world that we depend on. 

• They laid down the sick in the open spaces, begging him to let them touch even the fringe of his cloak. If we cast a glance on the lives of the great saints that sanctified the Church down the centuries, we find that they had great belief in the power of the touch of Christ – a divine touch in the depths of their being that would be enough to ignite a blazing flame of love for him, and free them from every bond of weakness and temptation. St Ambrose, before celebrating the Holy Eucharist, always prayed, “Lord my heart has been wounded by many sins; touch and heal me.” The journey towards healing continues as we keep following the Lord after we find him, waiting in patience for his divine touch. And he shall grant it to us when we are ready to receive it. 

• All those who touched him were cured. All those whose faith was strong enough to experience the touch of the Lord, were healed. Whatever may be our suffering, when we have a strong faith that manifests itself in a determined desire to see the Lord and be touched by this love, we will find healing – not so much a physical healing, but a healing of the soul with lasting peace and joy.

Response: May the Lord rejoice in his works!

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